19 August 2011

Changes, AGAIN

Hey guys!

I'm still in Paris, but I am blogging about lifestyle design + creating your own rules for lost twenty-somethings.

If that interests you,

find me at www.rulebreakersclub.com!

05 May 2011

Welcome to Courtney in France!

This blog recounts my adventures as an English Teaching Assistant in Paris.

If you're a current or prospective assistant, reading this blog is a great way to learn about the program. However, there is so much to share that I didn't share on my blog.

If you have any questions about my experience or the program in general, please do not hesitate to email me at Courtney@filleamericaine.com. I adore connecting to people who share my passion for French culture and would love to hear from you!

Consider visiting my current website: www.filleamericaine.com, where I write about culture, language, and lifestyle... with a heavy French influence. I even have some tips for moving abroad.

I think you'll find even more useful information there! I look forward to hearing from you!

